Amazon PPC Strategy Unrolled

Project information

Project Name

Amazon PPC Strategy Unrolled


Yogi-me had a great product – kid-friendly yoga mats – but they were getting lost in Amazon's vast marketplace. To boost their sales, they'd tried pairing up with influencers, offering discount codes to tap into new markets, but the results were underwhelming.

Our strategy? We took a sharp turn towards Amazon PPC. With a keen eye, we developed a campaign that zeroed in on the most effective keywords and optimized ad placements. Our aim was crystal clear: position Yogi-me as the top-of-mind choice for parents on Amazon.

What happened next? Everything clicked into place. Sales began to surge. This wasn't just about getting noticed; it was about creating a connection between Yogi-me's mats and the parents eager to find them. And the numbers speak for themselves – we've achieved a remarkable 3.99 ROAS, reflecting a lifetime of strategic success. The result? A significant boost in sales and a growing list of satisfied customers singing their praises.